Humans are always living "under cover" in this millenium era. They show multiple personalities, both at their work place and their personal life. Due to that they experience a lot of issues in their careers. A person who is actually introvert and more confined in his personal life might have framed himself as an outgoing personality. This may reflect in the kind of jobs that are been assigned to him. And if it is a hard core sales job, he may find a lot of constraints while meeting his various clients and achieving targets.

The concept of self-disclosure has got a great relevance here. People should not be reluctant in expressing their feelings and thoughts about various life scenarios. In an organizational context, it will help each and every employee to have a valued relationship with their peers if they are ready to disclose themselves before others. One method of doing so is by having a group of 3-4 members. Each one of them will be asked to reveal a certain trait/behavior/experiences of themselves before others which the others didn't know about him/her. This will guide the top management in allocating jobs to their staffs according to their REAL personality trait.

But every coin has got two sides. Revealing about ourselves might not be pleasing for some individuals. Because, it might sometimes hurt their feelings or invoke sentiments. So, always there is a risk factor associated with self-disclosures.

JOHARI WINDOW is one such method which is very much relevant in this concept. Even, in some scenarios, we might not discover about some of our hidden talents/ traits unless expressed by our peers. So, the top right corner quadrant rightly explains this. To take one example, if a person is good in learning new languages, sometimes he may not be aware of that trait as it is a part of his personality. But when somebody reveals him this aspect, then only he/she might understand that it can be considered as a good quality which can be further developed and can be more useful in his/her corporate life. So, each individual should try to express hidden traits before others as it will create a better understanding between each and everyone in the society.


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