In today's multi-cultural diverse work force, there are always chances for differences in opinions/views/ideas, which may results in a conflict. Conflicts can be either between employees and the management or within each work force. So, it is the sole responsibility of the top manageme
nt and the HR team to resolve the conflicts. So,we  as MBA students, regardless of specialization, are  bound to handle a group of work force, within a couple of weeks after we are on board.

So, in order to manage a conflict effectively, following steps might be of important.
1.Getting Clarity on the issue:- We should be able to dig deep into the root cause of the problem. Sometimes, the issue may be very minute such that all those unfortunate events happened may be due to some kind of misunderstanding between the parties.
2. Face to face encounter:- It is always appropriate to have a direct conversation between the parties involved. Giving a more personal touch to their problems will definitely leads to the " melting of ice" between them. As a result, people will be ready to share their problems with each other. Any disparity that still remain can be eliminated in this regard.
3. Listen to the other side:- Here, the main constraint is the EGO issue. An individual should recognize his/her own weaknesses such that he/ she should accept those. Then only, we will be able to listen to other's opinions.
4. Working towards a common solution:- Here the conflict management strategy to be adopted is the collaborative strategy. Here, the outcome will be a win-win situation where both the sides may obtain optimum solution to satisfy their needs.

Conflict management is not only about resolving an issue, but to prevent the conflict from occuring.
A tendency for a conflict can be identified right from the initial stages itself, provided the manager/team leader is having skills of prediction, knowledge of industry, good analyzer of employee behavior and so on. Following steps can be carried out to identify a GROWING conflict.

1. Encourage the participation of employees in decision-making process
2. Providing enough work-life balance
3. Providing rewards for various accomplishments
4. Assigning a personal mentor for each staff so that, he/she can always approach him.

In short, if an organization/person becomes successful in managing conflict in his both corporate and personal life, a higher degree of prosperity and achievement will be possible.


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